Our Turnkey Service Identifies All Potential Wireless Subscribers, Per Tower
Don't Leave $$$ on the Table!
Subscriber Finder reveals every potential subscriber - per Tower.
Allowing you to compare Subscriber Finders's List against your current subscriber list to reveal every one of your Potential New Subscribers - per Tower.
Existing Towers
Lets say you've got 117 subscribers
on "Tower A".
Subscriber Finder reveals a total of 208 addresses
within "Tower A's" signal strength.
That's 91 New Subscribers to go after!
Invest with Knowledge!
Subscriber Finder delivers turn-key customer acquisition data services to any W.I.S.P. Network Expanion Project.
You'll have the address of every location within your New Tower's reach, enabling you to determine R.O.I. before you invest!
You can even Pre-Sell subscribers before the build-out is complete.
New Towers
Service Makes the Difference
Previous attempts at this sort of reporting have failed, because companies would simply perform the data merge and think they were done.
But all the initial data merge does is confirm that the location's Mailbox has a signal.
The SubscriberFINDER difference is Turnkey Service.
Our staff of skilled RF analysts scrub each report to ensure the location itself - not the Mailbox - has signal.
Better Science, Better Data, Better Customer Acquisition.